The Holy Bible
Mere Christianity (C. S. Lewis)
Basic Christianity (John Stott)
The Pursuit of God (A.W. Tozer)
Continuous Revival (Norman Grubb)
Victory in Christ (Charles Trumbull)
The Screwtape Letters (C.S. Lewis)
Principles of War (James I. Wilson)
Daily Light on the Daily Path (compiled by Samuel Bagster) |
first published in 1794, contains no commentary, only combinations of Scripture
My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers)
after his death in 1917 Oswalds wife Biddie compiled this from notes taken of his talks
Edges of His Ways (Amy Carmichael)
from notes penned by Ms. Carmichael during her years ministering in India she died in 1951
Agape Leadership (Robert Peterson & Alexander Strauch)
lessons from the life of R. C. Chapman
Abandoned to God (David McCasland)
life and ministry of Oswald Chambers.
The Man Who Moved a Mountain (Richard Davids)
the ministry of Bob Childers among the people of Appalachia
Work Better
History & Biography
Other Reading